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Cards with Heart!
This is page 2
Go to page 1 for more
Stamper: Christine Cox
Stamp Credits: How Do I Love Thee from All
Night Media, Music from Stamp Out Cute
It's hard to tell from this scan but both
the card and the heart are antiqued with Fragile Crackle (Aleene's) and
glaze. |


Stamper: Victoria Flaherty
Stamp credit: PSX |
Stamper: Victoria Flaherty Stamp
credits: PSX |

Stamper: Victoria Flaherty Stamp credits: PSX |
Victoria Flaherty
Stamp credits: ??? |


Stamper: Christine Cox Stamp
Credits: JudiKins
Notes: The cardstock feels like suede or denim. The directions for
this technique are here. |
If you have a card you'd like to contribute to this
page, please email me at